Hertford Methodist Church seeks to serve God in Hertford and the wider world through love and fellowship

Food Bank - www.hertforddistrict.foodbank.org.uk

Street Pastors - www.streetpastors.org

Hertford and District Churches Together - www.allsaintshertford.org/2018/nov18xalone.pdf

Christmas Alone - www.allsaintshertford.org/2018/nov18xalone.pdf

Action for Children - www.actionforchildren.org.uk

Methodist Homes for the Aged - www.mha.org.uk

Young Life - www.younglife.org

Future Hope Hertford - www.future-hope.org.uk

Methodist – World Mission - www.methodist.org.uk/our-work/support-our-work/.../world-mission-fund

Methodist – Missions in Britain Fund - www.methodist.org.uk/our-work/support-our...our.../mission-in-britain-fund

Methodist Church Fund for Property - www.methodist.org.uk/static/.../the_methodist_church_and_its_main_funds.pdf

All We Can (Methodist Relief and Development Fund) - www.allwecan.org.uk

Crisis - www.crisis.org.uk

Christian Aid - www.christianaid.org.uk

Shelter - www.shelter.org.uk

Herts Young Homeless - www.homeless.org.uk/homeless-england/service/herts-young-homeless-group

Alcoholics Anonymous - www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk

Narcotics Anonymous - www.ukna.org

Disaster Funds as they occur - Various including: www.allwecan.org.uk & www.dec.org.uk